The 36 Universal Laws
1. AS IT IS UP IS DOWN: This applies the concept of the fractal universe, and the assimilation that everything repeats in the cosmos, the creation we experience is the one that replaces systematically and fractal throughout the universe.
2. AS IT IS INSIDE IS OUT: Like the previous, directionality is indifferent and reality replaces itself regardless of the direction it takes, in this case it is our inner world that replicates in our environment or, as you are, so is your life.
3. LAW OF PETITION: We ask and the universe listens. If you need help ask, but we must take care of ourselves to act there where we are not required because our help will be misinterpreted and thrown away, if we are asked for help we must assume the consequences of it, so karma repercut us will go if our help is wrong.
4. LAW OF ATTRACTION: Your energy vibration causes you to attract or replicate what comes into your life according to your state. You will attract everything just like you and repel everything that does not resemble your current state.
5. LAW OF RESISTANCE: We are our worst obstacle, if you resist you will condemn repeating it, you must accept what comes and let it flow.
6. LAW OF REFLECTION: Everything around you is a reflection of yourself, change yourself and you will change what around you. It's that simple.
7. LAW OF PROJECTION: We project into our environment what we are, both good and bad. Assuming that we are part of the problem is the first step towards the solution.
8. LAW OF ATTITUDE: We must detach ourselves from anything that prevents us from growing. Attachment to feelings, matter or people, prevents nothing new from coming into your life, just leaving the attachments will we begin to grow and evolve.
9. LAW OF ATTENTION: Focusing our attention on what you want, provoke the universe to conspire you to get it. Put your attention in a determined and right way and it will only be a matter of time.
10. FLOWING LAW: Nothing is static and everything flows, this is the basic premises. You must not conquer your feelings, nor your most precious possessions, allow them to flow and they will come back to you multiplied.
11. LAW OF ABUNDANCE: Take abundance as something innate in you. Allow this to get to you and feel no guilt. Be grateful and allow abundance to fill your life.
12. LAW OF CLARITY: If you are clear on what you want there will be no work for you to get it.
13. LAW OF INTENTION: Intention is powerful, even more than your desires and desires.
14. LAW OF PROSPERITY : You are a prosperous being by default. Being fertile soil or orphan depends on your mental focus. This law implies a systematic change in your approach to be applied to your benefit.
15. LAW OF MANIFESTATION: You are a spiritual being and you are in permanent contact with the universe and it will try by all means to give you what you ask and manifest it for you. Focus your thoughts on what you desire and manifest.
16. LAW OF SUCCESS: Success is usually associated with material goods, but this is not success. Success is total and sincere belief in yourself, the confidence placed in your own actions will determine success in achieving the same.
17. LAW OF BALANCE AND POLARITY: Our existence is polarized and our mission is to find the right balance. If we move away from this center and approach the extremes, life will compensate us otherwise. A life of wealth, will end with another of poverty, a slave will become.
18. LAW OF KARMA: Every action has a consequence or reaction. Keeping in mind this maximum provokes us to meditate on all our actions and assume their fruits. Everything you give sooner or later you receive. Whether it is thought or action, everything we do will be added and quoted. If you give love you receive love, but if you give hate expect nothing else. Our thoughts, our words, and our actions, are boomerangs that once thrown will return to you irreparable and you must purge into your next existence.
19. LAW OF REENCARNATION: Nothing is destroyed unless it is transformed. We will embody again until we are our own teachers.
20. LAW OF RESPONSIBILITY: Assuming our mastery is assuming our responsibility.
21. LAW OF DISCERNMENT: Apply your intuition to everything you do. Make your decisions and choose consciously and intuitively, your inner voice never deceives you, guide yourself from it and achieve success.
22. LAW OF AFFIRMATION: Constantly insist on what you want to transform, into what you want to do and what you want to change, assume that role and everything will be transformed so you can achieve it.
23. LAW OF PRAYER: Ask with Faith in a concrete and correct way and it shall be granted to you. All our thoughts are in self prayers, when we feel down or worried, we issue a negative prayer. We must focus and formulate our prayers positively, we are in direct and permanent contact with the source. The universe.
24. LAW OF MEDITATION: On the contrary, the prayer where we speak to God, in meditation we are the ones who listen to him.
25. LAW OF CHALLENGE: It is the tool for spiritual evolution in which free will be our channel.
26. LAW OF FREQUENCE AND VIBRATION: We are sources of energy in constant vibration and at a certain frequency. Everything in the universe is vibrating at a certain frequency, and depending on this, its matter will be more or less dense. Our planet is if a low-density orb, therefore we are physical beings.
27. LAW OF MIRACLE: Miracles are the consequence of a right existence. There are a few small signs that always indicate you are on the right path and the consequence is, your own divinity. Nothing is a coincidence, if not the cause of your own spiritual growth.
28. LAW OF HEALING: We are our own healers. Negative thoughts and feelings cause your illness, transmutal them and achieve your own healing.
29. LAW OF PURIFICATION: We are pure beings in essence.
Negativity and bad feelings undermine and overshadow this state. Purifying us is by cleansing us from all that negative mess that we are accumulating with the succession of experiences and dramas that flood our lives. Purify not only your body and your mind, it also purifies your environment, avoid the negative influences emitted by those who are in your environment or those that come to you through different means.
30. LAW OF PERSPECTIVE: Our perspective will have the capacity of our environment. The clearest example is time, according to our mood and perspective this will pass slower or faster.
31. LAW OF GRATITUDE: Be grateful. When abundance and success come to you, avoid being transformed, give thanks for what you receive and allow that energy to follow its way. Allow everything to flow properly and be grateful for everything that comes into our lives.
32. BLESSINGS LAW: With our blessing we emit towards those who need our positive energy. We don't need a ritual or a concrete prayer, just our presence, our support and focus our positive thoughts towards that person who needs us.
33. LAW OF DECREASE: The power of the verb. Everything we decree remains concrete. We must be careful to say according to things since the universe will do its best to bring it to us, it doesn't know irony or double meaning, so be very careful with what we say.
34. LAW OF FAITH: Faith is mistakenly attributed to religious fervor. Faith is a pure feeling emitted from our heart and a firmness in something you know from the depths that it is. Faith in its purity transcends any other feeling.
35. LAW OF THANKSGIVING: It's the consequence of karmic relief. Once we have evolved enough spiritually grace comes to us and the uncontrollable and miraculous elements will happen in our environment, to celebrate your existential graduation. You have become your own teacher knowledge and wisdom are bestowed upon you and mercy works through your actions.
36. LAW OF ONE: We are all one. You cannot apply any of the previous laws without understanding that all of us except we have the same origin and rule from the same source. We are one thing and we are born from the same conscience. God is everything and everything we are God, he is the maximum that you should apply, you should understand that we were not created by him, unless we are part and live in him universe.